Terms and Conditions of Service
Pogoji poslovanja
Splošni pogoji uporabe spletne strani so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o Medijih (ZMed-UPB1), na podlagi priporočil Tržnega Inšpektorata in mednarodnih kodeksov za spletno in elektronsko oglaševanje. S spletno stranjo upravlja podjetje
Brunette, poslovno svetovanje, Veronika Lipar, s. p. (v nadaljevanju tudi ponudnik spletnih vsebin, podjetje Brunette, Veronika Lipar s. p. ali podjetje)
Vrbovce 5 A
8310 Šentjernej
Podjetje je bilo v Poslovni register Republike Slovenije vpisano dne 2. 10. 2015
Davčna številka: SI 81554150
Matična številka: 6928595000
Elektronski naslov: veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com
Podjetje Brunette, Veronika Lipar s.p. je ob spletnem nakupu opravljenem preko posredovanega linka upravičeno do provizije. Provizijo določi spletna trgovina.
Splošni pogoji poslovanja spletnega nakupovanja so sestavljeni v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov (ZVPot), Zakonom o varstvu potrošnikov pred nepoštenimi poslovnimi praksami (ZVPNPP), na podlagi priporočil Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije in mednarodnih kodeksov za spletno in elektronsko poslovanje. S spletno trgovino upravlja podjetje
Brunette, poslovno svetovanje, Veronika Lipar, s. p. (v nadaljevanju tudi ponudnik, podjetje Brunette, Veronika Lipar s. p. ali podjetje)
Vrbovce 5 A
8310 Šentjernej
Podjetje je bilo v Poslovni register Republike Slovenije vpisano dne 2. 10. 2015
Davčna številka: SI 81554150
Matična številka: 6928595000
Elektronski naslov: veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com
Kupca zavezujejo splošni pogoji, ki so veljavni v trenutku nakupa (oddaje spletnega naročila).
Postopek nakupa
Tehnični koraki, ki vodijo do sklenitve kupoprodajne pogodbe
V postopku nakupa so uporabniku (kupcu) na voljo naslednji tehnični koraki:
1. iskanje posameznega izdelka,
2. izbor izdelka za nakup,
3. določitev količine izdelkov za nakup v nakupovalni košarici,
4. pregled končne cene izbranega izdelka v izbrani količini,
5. potrditev naročila,
6. oddaja naročila.
Tehnološka sredstva, ki omogočajo prepoznavanje in popravljanje napak pred oddajo naročila
Pred potrditvijo nakupa lahko še enkrat pregledate vnesene podatke in jih po potrebi spremenite.
Naročilo sprejeto
Po oddaji naročila uporabnik (kupec) od ponudnika po elektronski pošti prejme obvestilo, da je naročilo sprejeto. Razen možnosti preklica uporabnik (kupec) po oddaji naročila ne more spreminjati vsebine naročila.
Naročilo potrjeno
Ob potrditvi naročila ponudnik uporabnika (kupca) po elektronski pošti obvesti o uspešno oddanem naročilu. Kupoprodajna pogodba o nakupu naročenih izdelkov med uporabnikom (kupcem) in ponudnikom je na tej stopnji nepreklicno sklenjena (glej točko 5.). Pogodba je sklenjena v angleškem jeziku.
Kupoprodajna pogodba (naročilo) je v elektronski obliki shranjena na strežniku ponudnika in kupcu dostopna s pisno zahtevo po elektronski pošti veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com. Račun se hrani na sedežu podjetja.
Spreminjanje naročila
Kupec lahko svoje naročilo prekliče ali spremeni tako, da na spletni strani odda novo naročilo z novimi podatki, na elektronski naslov veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com pa pošlje zahtevek za preklic prejšnjega naročila. Kupec lahko naročilo prekliče ali spremeni tudi po telefonu na 041597709.
Možnosti plačila
V spletni trgovini nudimo naslednje možnosti plačila:
z nakazilom na TRR (predračun): po potrjenem naročilu prejmete predračun, naročilo pa odpremimo v roku 48-ur po tem, ko je priliv viden na našem TRR.
plačilo s plačilo kartico: na spletu ob oddaji naročila
plačilo prek PayPala.
Po oddaji naročila z izbiro plačila ‘po predračunu’ boste na elektronski naslov prejeli vse kompletne informacije, ki jih potrebujete za nakazilo.
Plačilo po predračunu se opravi na tekoči račun, odprt pri NLB d.d., z naslednjimi podatki:
Brunette, poslovno svetovanje, Veronika Lipar, s. p.
Vrbovce 5 A
8310 Šentjernej
TRR: SI56 0208 3026 1690 264
Rok za plačilo po predračunu je 8 delovnih dni po prejemu predračuna. V kolikor predračun v tem času ni plačan, se določi, da kupec odstopa od naročila.
Račun za sprovedeno plačilo boste prejeli najkasneje v 8 dneh po prejetem plačilu na naveden elektronski naslov. Če želite prejeti račun tudi po pošti, nas o tem obvestite. Priporočamo vam, da si splošne pogoje poslovanja natisnete in shranite.
Digitalni izdelki se ob prejemu kartičnega ali PayPal plačila avtomatsko pošljejo na elektronski račun uporabnika (kupca). V primeru plačila po predračunu, bo digitalni izdelek posredovan na elektronski račun uporabnika v roku 48-ur od prejema plačila.
Vse cene so izražene v evrih (EUR) in vsebujejo DDV. Vse cene veljajo v trenutku od oddaje naročila in nimajo vnaprej določene veljavnosti, zato veljajo le do njihove vsakokratne spremembe.
Kupoprodajna pogodba med ponudnikom in kupcem je sklenjena v trenutku, ko ponudnik potrdi naročilo. Od tega trenutka dalje so vse cene in drugi pogoji fiksirani in veljajo tako za kupca kot za ponudnika.
Kuponi za popust
Ob naročilu lahko kupec vnese promocijski kupon, zaradi katerega se zniža vrednost izdelka in s tem tudi skupna vrednost naročila.
Vaše naročilo (sklenjena pogodba)
Vaše naročilo hranimo v naši računalniško vodeni evidenci prejetih naročil. Dosegljivi smo od ponedeljka do petka na elektronski naslov naslov veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com.
Pravica do odstopa od pogodbe (vračila)
Kupec pri nakupu digitalnih produktov po 13. točki 43.č člena Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (Uradni list RS, št. 98/04 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 114/06 – ZUE, 126/07, 86/09, 78/11, 38/14, 19/15, 55/17 – ZKolT in 31/18) nima pravice do odstopa od nakupa za digitalne vsebine dobavljive v spletni trgovini ponudnika.
Varstvo osebnih podatkov
Ponudnik se zavezuje k trajnemu varovanju vseh osebnih podatkov pred izgubo, zlorabo ali nepooblaščenim dostopom v skladu z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (ZVPot). Podatki bodo uporabljeni zgolj za komunikacijo z uporabnikom. Osebni podatki, ki nam jih zaupate, so vaši in to spoštujemo. Vaše podatke uporabljamo izključno za zagotavljanje učinkovite izpolnitve naročila. Zavezujemo se, da podatkov uporabnikov ne bomo delili, prodali ali predali nepooblaščenim osebam – nikoli!
Uporabnik soglaša, da trgovina brunettefromwallstreet.com lahko obdeluje podatke za namene poslovnih evidenc, oglaševanja in prilagajanja vsebin uporabniku v skladu s Politiko o varnosti osebnih podatkov,v kolikor se ob oddaji nakupa vključi v bazo prejemnikov elektronskih e-novic.
Ponudnik zbrane osebne podatke trajno varuje skladno z Zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Uradni list RS, št. 94/07) (ZVOP-1), Zakonom o elektronskih komunikacijah (Uradni list RS, št. 109/12, 110/13, 40/14 – ZIN-B, 54/14 – odl. US, 81/15 in 40/17) in Splošno uredbo o varstvu podatkov (angl. General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR).
Uporaba osebnih podatkov
Podjetje za potrebe opravljanja storitev, ki jih ponuja, zbira, vodi, obdeluje in shranjuje uporabnikove podatke, ki so navedeni tukaj.
Zbirke osebnih podatkov ponudnik hrani na območju Republike Slovenije ter jih ne iznaša v druge države.
Politika uporabe piškotkov
O piškotkih
Piškotki so majhne tekstovne datoteke, ki se shranijo na vaš računalnik ob obisku našega spletnega mesta in ne škodijo vaši strojni ali programski opremi. Njihovo shranjevanje je pod popolnim nadzorom brskalnika, ki ga ima uporabnik – ta lahko shranjevanje piškotkov po želji omeji ali onemogoči.
Piškotki niso škodljivi in so vedno časovno omejeni.
Uporabo piškotkov v Evropski uniji (EU) določa Direktiva o zasebnosti in elektronskih komunikacijah 2002/58/ES, katere člen, ki se nanaša na piškotke in podobne tehnologije, je bil spremenjen z Direktivo 136/2009.
V slovenski zakonodaji uporabo piškotkov določa Zakon o elektronskih komunikacijah oziroma ZEKom-1 (Uradni list št. 109/2012), katerega 157. člen predstavlja pravno osnovo za skrb za zasebnost uporabnikov spleta.
Zakaj so piškotki potrebni?
So temeljnega pomena za zagotavljanje uporabniku prijaznih spletnih storitev. Interakcija med spletnim uporabnikom in spletnim mestom je s pomočjo piškotkov hitrejša in preprostejša. Z njihovo pomočjo si spletno mesto zapomni posameznikove preference in izkušnje, s tem je prihranjen čas, brskanje po spletnih mestih pa bolj učinkovito in prijazno.
Podjetje vsakemu uporabniku ob začetku vsakokratne uporabe spletne trgovine dodeli piškotek za identifikacijo, spremljanje nakupovalne košarice in zagotavljanje sledljivosti, ki se v pomnilniku strežnika shranjuje le za čas trajanja obiska spletne trgovine in se izbriše po eni uri neaktivnosti. Podjetje lahko na osebni računalnik uporabnika shrani tudi nekatere trajne piškotke, kot npr. identifikacijska številka uporabnika v šifrirani obliki za prepoznavanje ob naslednjem obisku spletne trgovine ali ocene artiklov, s pomočjo katerega uporabnik ve, katere artikle je že ocenil, posredno pa tudi piškotke zunanje storitve Google Analytics, ki služijo analizi obiskov spletnega mesta.
Podjetje lahko te podatke v anonimizirani sumarni obliki uporabi za namene statističnih analiz. Za potrebe zagotavljanja spletne varnosti podjetje zbira tudi IP naslove, iz katerih uporabniki dostopajo do spletne trgovine.
Onemogočanje/omogočanje piškotkov
Piškotke lahko onemogočite tudi neposredno v svojem spletnem brskalniku.
Za informacije o nastavitvah za piškotke izberite spletni brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate:
Če spremenite, ali izbrišete brskalnikovo datoteko s piškotki, spremenite ali nadgradite vaš brskalnik ali napravo, boste morda morali ponovno onemogočiti piškotke. Postopek za upravljanje in brisanje piškotkov se razlikuje od brskalnika do brskalnika. Če pri tem potrebujete pomoč, lahko pogledate v brskalnikovi pomoči uporabnikom. Sledenju Google Analytics lahko onemogočite tudi na naslednji povezavi.
Zaščitene blagovne znamke
Vsebine, objavljene na tem spletnem mestu so last podjetja Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p., in se ne smejo prepisovati, razmnoževati ali kako drugače razširjati brez dovoljenja lastnika. Last ponudnika so tudi vsi digitalni izdelki, ki so na voljo za nakup v spletni trgovini brunettefromwallstreet.com. Nosilka podjetja, Veronika Lipar, nosi moralne avtorske pravice do izdelkov.
Ponudnik z izročitvijo avtorskega dela na kupca dovoljuje izključno osebno uporabo digitalnih izdelkov. Prenos na druge osebe, reprodukcija produktov, distribuiranje, predelava ali javno prikazovanje niso dovoljene.
Za zaplete in težave, ki bi nastale ob morebitni nepravilni uporabi blaga/storitev, ponudnik ne odgovarja. Ponudnik ni odgovoren za morebitne občasne težave pri delovanju spletne strani, morebitno netočnost informacij in tudi ne za morebitno škodo, nastalo zaradi uporabe netočnih ali nepopolnih informacij.
Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico od odstopa pogodbe oz. realizacije naročila v kolikor nastane bistvena napaka v ponudbi. Bistvena napaka zajema elemente, na podlagi katerih ponudnik ne bi pristal na sklenitev pogodbe. Med omenjene napake spadajo tudi očitne napake v ceni, ki so lahko posledica tehničnih in drugih težav.
Komunikacija poteka izključno preko spletne strani in elektronske pošte.
Odveza odgovornosti
Ponudnik redno skrbi za ažurnost in pravilnost podatkov, ki so objavljeni na njegovih straneh, vendar pa se lahko lastnosti izdelkov, njihova dostopnost in cena spremenijo tako hitro, da ponudnik ne uspe popraviti podatkov na spletnih straneh. V takem primeru bo ponudnik kupca obvestil o spremembah in mu omogoči preklic naročila ali zamenjavo naročenega izdelka.
Fotografije izdelkov v večini primerov prikazujejo avtentičen videz izdelka, kljub temu pa so lahko včasih zgolj simbolične in ne zagotavljajo nujno lastnosti izdelka. Ponudnik si pridržuje pravico, da pogoje poslovanja spremeni kadarkoli in na kakršenkoli način, ne glede na razlog in brez predhodnega opozorila.
Pritožbe in spori
Podjetje Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p., spoštuje veljavno zakonodajo o varstvu potrošnikov in se po vseh močeh trudi izpolnjevati svojo dolžnost zagotavljanja učinkovitega sistema obravnavanja pritožb.
V primeru težav se kupec s podjetjem Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p. lahko poveže po elektronski pošti na veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com. Postopek obravnave pritožbe je zaupen.
Podjetje Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p. se zaveda, da je bistvena značilnost potrošniških sporov nesorazmernost med ekonomsko vrednostjo zahtevka in potrebnim časom ter stroški, ki nastanejo zaradi reševanja spora, kar je tudi glavna ovira, da potrošnik ne sproži spora pred sodiščem. Zato si prizadevamo po svojih najboljših močeh, da se morebitni spori rešijo sporazumno.
Izvensodno reševanje potrošniških sporov
Skladno z zakonskimi normativi podjetje Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p. ne priznava nikakršnega izvajalca izvensodnega reševanja potrošniških sporov, kot pristojnega za reševanje potrošniškega spora, ki bi ga potrošnik lahko sprožil v skladu z Zakonom o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov.
Podjetje Brunette Veronika Lipar, s. p., ki kot ponudnik blaga in storitev omogoča spletno trgovino na območju Republike Slovenije, Evropske unije, Združenih držav Amerike in EUA, na svoji spletni strani objavlja elektronsko povezavo do platforme za spletno reševanje potrošniških sporov (SRPS). Platforma je na voljo potrošnikom tukaj.
Navedena ureditev izhaja iz Zakona o izvensodnem reševanju potrošniških sporov, Uredbe (EU) št. 524/2013 Evropskega parlamenta in Sveta o spletnem reševanju potrošniških sporov ter spremembi Uredbe (ES) št. 2016/2004 in Direktive 2009/22/ES.
Omejitev odgovornosti
Kot potrošnik imate pravico, da uveljavljate svoje pravice iz naslova stvarne napake ob upoštevanju določil Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (Uradni list RS, 98/04 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, s spremembami, dopolnitvami in popravki).
Potrošnik lahko uveljavlja svoje pravice iz naslova stvarne napake, če o napaki obvesti prodajalca v roku dveh mesecev od dneva, ko je bila napaka odkrita.
Prodajalec ne odgovarja za stvarne napake na blagu, ki se pokažejo potem, ko mineta dve leti, odkar je bila stvar izročena
Napaka na izdelku je stvarna:
• če stvar nima lastnosti, ki so potrebne za njeno normalno rabo ali za promet;
• če stvar nima lastnosti, ki so potrebne za posebno rabo, za katero jo kupec kupuje, ki pa je bila prodajalcu znana oziroma bi mu morala biti znana;
• če stvar nima lastnosti in odlik, ki so bile izrecno ali molče dogovorjene oziroma predpisane;
• če je prodajalec izročil stvar, ki se ne ujema z vzorcem ali modelom, razen če je bil vzorec ali model pokazan le zaradi obvestila.
Potrošnik lahko uveljavlja svoje pravice iz naslova stvarne napake, če o napaki obvesti prodajalca v roku dveh mesecev od dneva, ko je bila napaka odkrita.
Prodajalec ne odgovarja za stvarne napake na blagu, ki se pokažejo potem, ko mineta dve leti, odkar je bila stvar izročena.
Kupec lahko zahteva po lastni izbiri:
• Odpravo napake
• Vračilo plačanega zneska v sorazmerju z napako
• Zamenjavo blaga
• Vračilo plačanega zneska
Če menite, da ima kupljen izdelek stvarno napako, nas čim prej kontaktirajte na telefonsko številko 041597709 ali veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com in priložite vaš račun ali številko naročila. V najkrajšem možnem času vam bomo ponudili zamenjavo artikla ali možnost vračila kupnine.
Pri uveljavljanju pravic iz tega naslova mora potrošnik podjetju v obvestilu o napaki natančneje opisati napako in prodajalcu omogočiti, da izdelek pregleda.
Če napaka ni sporna, mora podjetje čim prej, najkasneje pa v roku 8 dni, ugoditi potrošnikovemu zahtevku. Če pa o napaki obstaja spor, mora podjetje v roku 8 dni podati potrošniku pisni odgovor.
Pravico uveljavljanja stvarne napake natančneje urejajo določila Zakona o varstvu potrošnikov (podrobneje od 37. člena naprej).
Pogoji poslovanja veljajo od 1. 1. 2025 do preklica.
Terms of Service
The general terms and conditions of use of the website are composed in accordance with the Media Act (ZMed-UPB1), based on the recommendations of the Market Inspectorate and international codes for online and electronic advertising. The website is managed by the company Brunette, poslovno svetovanje, Veronika Lipar, s. p. (hereinafter also referred to as the provider of online content, Brunette, Veronika Lipar s. p. or the company).
The address of the company is: Vrbovce 5 A 8310 Šentjernej SloveniaThe company was registered in the Business Register of the Republic of Slovenia on October 2, 2015.Tax number: SI 81554150Registration number: 6928595000Email address: veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com
The company Brunette, Veronika Lipar s.p. is entitled to a commission for online purchases made through the provided link. The commission is determined by the online store.
The general terms and conditions of online shopping are composed in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Consumer Protection Against Unfair Business Practices Act (ZVPNPP), based on the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia and international codes for online and electronic business. The online store is managed by the company Brunette, Business Consulting, Veronika Lipar, s.p. (hereinafter also referred to as the provider, Brunette company, Veronika Lipar s.p. or the company).
Address: Vrbovce 5 A 8310 Šentjernej Slovenia
The company was registered in the Business Register of the Republic of Slovenia on October 2, 2015. Tax number: SI 81554150 Registration number: 6928595000 Email address: veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com
The buyer is bound by the general terms and conditions that are valid at the time of purchase (placing the online order).
Purchase Process Technical steps leading to the conclusion of a sales contract The following technical steps are available to the user (buyer) during the purchase process:
- Searching for a specific product,
- Selecting a product for purchase,
- Specifying the quantity of products for purchase in the shopping cart,
- Reviewing the final price of the selected product in the chosen quantity,
- Confirming the order,
- Placing the order.
Technological means for identifying and correcting errors before submitting an order Before confirming the purchase, you can review the entered data and make changes if necessary.
Order received After placing an order, the user (buyer) receives a notification from the provider by email that the order has been received. Except for the possibility of cancellation, the user (buyer) cannot modify the content of the order after placing it.
Order confirmed Upon confirmation of the order, the provider notifies the user (buyer) by email that the order has been successfully placed. The sales contract for the purchase of the ordered products between the user (buyer) and the provider is irrevocably concluded at this stage (see point 5). The contract is concluded in English.
The sales contract (order) is stored in electronic form on the provider’s server and is accessible to the buyer upon a written request by email to veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com. The invoice is kept at the company’s registered office.
Modifying an Order The buyer can cancel or modify their order by placing a new order with updated information on the website or by sending a request to cancel the previous order to the email address veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com. The buyer can also cancel or modify the order by phone at 041597709.
Payment Options The following payment options are available in the online store:
- Bank transfer (proforma invoice): After the order is confirmed, you will receive a proforma invoice, and the order will be shipped within 48 hours after the payment is visible in our bank account.
- Credit card payment: Online during the order process.
- PayPal payment.
After placing an order and selecting the payment method “by proforma invoice,” you will receive complete information necessary for the payment to your email address.
Payment by proforma invoice is made to the current account opened at NLB d.d. with the following details: Brunette, Business Consulting, Veronika Lipar, sole proprietorship Vrbovce 5 A 8310 Šentjernej IBAN: SI56 0208 3026 1690 264 BIC: LJBASI2X
The payment deadline for the proforma invoice is 8 working days from the receipt of the proforma invoice. If the proforma invoice is not paid within this time frame, it is deemed that the buyer cancels the order.
You will receive an invoice for the completed payment no later than 8 days after the payment is received at the provided email address. If you wish to receive the invoice by mail as well, please inform us. We recommend printing and saving the general terms and conditions.
Delivery: Digital products are automatically sent to the user’s (buyer’s) email account upon receipt of credit card or PayPal payment. In the case of payment by proforma invoice, the digital product will be sent to the user’s email account within 48 hours of receiving the payment.
Prices: All prices are expressed in euros (EUR) and include VAT. All prices are valid at the time of placing the order and do not have a predetermined validity, so they are subject to change at any time. The purchase agreement between the provider and the buyer is concluded at the moment when the provider confirms the order. From that moment on, all prices and other conditions are fixed and valid for both the buyer and the provider.
Discount Coupons: When placing an order, the buyer can enter a promotional coupon, which reduces the value of the product and, consequently, the total value of the order.
Your Order (Contract): We keep your order in our computer records of received orders. We are available from Monday to Friday at the email address veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com.
Right of Withdrawal (Returns): The buyer does not have the right to withdraw from the purchase of digital products under Article 43c of Point 13 of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 98/04 – consolidated text, 114/06 – ZUE, 126/07, 86/09, 78/11, 38/14, 19/15, 55/17 – ZKolT, and 31/18) for digitally deliverable content in the provider’s online store.
Data Protection The provider undertakes to permanently protect all personal data from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVPot). The data will be used solely for communication with the user. The personal data you entrust to us is yours, and we respect that. We use your data exclusively to ensure the effective fulfilment of orders. We commit not to share, sell, or disclose user data to unauthorized individuals – ever! The user agrees that the store brunettefromwallstreet.com may process data for the purposes of business records, advertising, and customization of content to the user in accordance with the Privacy Policy, provided that they join the database of electronic newsletter recipients when making a purchase.
The provider permanently protects collected personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 94/07) (ZVOP-1), the Electronic Communications Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 109/12, 110/13, 40/14 – ZIN-B, 54/14 – decision US, 81/15, and 40/17), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Use of Personal Data For the purposes of providing the offered services, the company collects, manages, processes, and stores user data listed here. The provider keeps collections of personal data within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia and does not transfer them to other countries.
Cookie Policy About Cookies Cookies are small text files that are stored on your computer when you visit our website and do not harm your hardware or software. Their storage is under the complete control of the user’s browser, which can limit or disable cookie storage as desired. Cookies are not harmful and are always time-limited. The use of cookies in the European Union (EU) is regulated by the Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002/58/EC, which was amended by Directive 136/2009, specifically regarding cookies and similar technologies. In Slovenian legislation, the use of cookies is regulated by the Electronic Communications Act or ZEKom-1 (Official Gazette No. 109/2012), with Article 157 serving as the legal basis for safeguarding the privacy of internet users.
Why are Cookies Necessary? They are essential for providing user-friendly online services. Cookies make the interaction between the website user and the website faster and easier. They enable the website to remember individual preferences and experiences, saving time and making browsing more efficient and user-friendly. The company assigns a cookie for identification, shopping cart tracking, and traceability to each user at the beginning of each visit to the online store. This cookie is stored in the server’s memory only for the duration of the visit and is deleted after one hour of inactivity. The company may also store certain persistent cookies, such as the user’s identification number in encrypted form, to recognize the user during the next visit to the online store, or ratings of products, which allow the user to see which items they have already rated. Additionally, the website may use cookies from the external service Google Analytics for website visit analysis. The company may use this data in an anonymized aggregate form for statistical analysis. For the purpose of ensuring online security, the company also collects IP addresses from which users access the online store.
Disabling/Enabling Cookies You can also disable cookies directly in your web browser. For information about cookie settings, select the web browser you are using:
If you change or delete your browser’s cookie file, modify or upgrade your browser or device, you may need to disable cookies again. The process for managing and deleting cookies varies from browser to browser. If you need assistance, you can refer to your browser’s user help. You can also disable Google Analytics tracking by following the link.
Trademarks The content published on this website is the property of Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p., and may not be copied, reproduced, or otherwise distributed without the owner’s permission. The provider also owns all digital products available for purchase in the online store brunettefromwallstreet.com. The owner of the company, Veronika Lipar, holds moral copyright to the products.
By delivering the copyrighted work to the buyer, the provider allows exclusive personal use of digital products. Transferring to other individuals, reproducing products, distributing, modifying, or publicly displaying them is not permitted. The provider is not responsible for any complications or issues that may arise from the improper use of goods/services. The provider is not responsible for any occasional issues with the website’s operation, inaccuracies in information, or any damages resulting from the use of inaccurate or incomplete information.
The provider reserves the right to withdraw from a contract or order fulfillment in case of a substantial error in the offer. A substantial error includes elements based on which the provider would not agree to conclude a contract. Obvious pricing errors, which may be due to technical or other issues, are also considered as such errors.
Communication takes place exclusively through the website and email.
Disclaimer The provider regularly ensures the timeliness and accuracy of the data published on its pages. However, the characteristics of products, their availability, and prices can change so quickly that the provider cannot update the data on the website. In such cases, the provider will inform the buyer about the changes and provide the option to cancel the order or replace the ordered product.
Product photos mostly depict the authentic appearance of the product, but sometimes they are merely symbolic and do not necessarily guarantee the product’s characteristics. The provider reserves the right to change the terms and conditions of business at any time and in any manner, regardless of the reason and without prior notice.
Complaints and Disputes The company Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p., respects the applicable consumer protection legislation and makes every effort to fulfill its duty to provide an effective system for handling complaints. In case of problems, the buyer can contact Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p., by email at veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com. The complaint handling procedure is confidential.
The company Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p., acknowledges that an essential characteristic of consumer disputes is the disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the time and costs required to resolve the dispute, which is also the main obstacle for the consumer to initiate court proceedings. Therefore, we make our best efforts to reach an amicable settlement of any disputes.
Out-of-Court Consumer Dispute Resolution
In accordance with legal regulations, the company Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p. does not recognize any out-of-court consumer dispute resolution entity as competent for resolving consumer disputes that a consumer could initiate in accordance with the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act.
As a provider of goods and services through an online store in the Republic of Slovenia, the European Union, the United States of America, and the USA, Brunette Veronika Lipar, s.p. publishes an electronic link on its website to the platform for online consumer dispute resolution (SRPS). The platform is available to consumers here. The aforementioned arrangement stems from the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online consumer dispute resolution, and amendments to Regulation (EC) No. 2016/2004 and Directive 2009/22/EC.
Limitation of Liability
As a consumer, you have the right to exercise your rights regarding material defects in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 98/04 – consolidated text, with amendments, supplements, and corrections). A consumer may exercise their rights regarding material defects by notifying the seller of the defect within two months from the day the defect was discovered. The seller is not liable for material defects in goods that become apparent after two years from the delivery of the goods. A defect in a product is considered material if:
- The item does not have the properties necessary for its normal use or for circulation.
- The item does not have the properties necessary for a specific use for which the buyer is purchasing it, and which were known to the seller or should have been known to them.
- The item does not have the agreed-upon or prescribed properties and characteristics.
- The seller delivered an item that does not match the pattern or model, unless the pattern or model was shown only for informational purposes. A consumer may exercise their rights regarding material defects by notifying the seller of the defect within two months from the day the defect was discovered. The seller is not liable for material defects in goods that become apparent after two years from the delivery of the goods. The buyer may request, at their own discretion:
- Rectification of the defect
- Refund of the amount paid in proportion to the defect
- Replacement of the goods
- Refund of the amount paid
If you believe that the purchased product has a material defect, please contact us as soon as possible at the telephone number 0038641597709 or veronika.lipar@brunettelv.com and provide your receipt or order number. We will offer you a replacement item or a refund as soon as possible. In asserting rights under this provision, the consumer must describe the defect in detail in the notification to the company and allow the seller to inspect the product. If the defect is not disputed, the company must fulfill the consumer’s request as soon as possible, but no later than within 8 days. If there is a dispute regarding the defect, the company must provide a written response to the consumer within 8 days. The exercise of the right to assert a material defect is further regulated by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (in detail from Article 37 onwards).
The terms of business apply from January the 1th, 2025, until further notice.